We are passionate about getting occupational health and safety implemented in all companies – and doing it in a way that’s painless for our clients. We use a multi-step approach to asses risk, establish and meet training needs, and measure progress. All safety packages are tailor-made to your business needs and budget – whether you are a large corporation or a small owner-run operation. Our goal is to ensure that all employers understand and adhere to their responsibilities concerning the OSH Act.

Health & Safety Consultation

We’re here to help you implement effective and legal health and safety procedures at your office, factory, or other business premises. Call us for:
  • Medical Surveillance
  • OHS Assessments
  • Development of Safety Management Systems (Manual or Electronic)
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Disaster Management Plans
  • Evacuation Plans
  • Manage and monitor clients/principal contractor’s safety compliance for the contract period
  • Construction safety programs and site management
  • Development of Standard/Safe Wok Procedures
  • Gap analysis on Training and Skills Development for OHS

Health & Safety Compliance

Make sure your company is ready to pass any OSH Act safety check – let us check your business or construction site for compliance, issue safety certificates and compile a legal safety file or system tailored to your needs.
  • Site survey and business audits for OHS Act Compliance
  • Construction site compliance audits
  • Issue Safety Certificates of Compliance (COC)
  • Safety Files and systems (Construction/Manufacturing)

Risk Assessment

Do you know, and follow, correct storage and handling procedures for hazardous chemicals and other substances? Is your equipment properly maintained to avoid risk to employees? Let us identify risk areas and develop systems to manage them effectively.
  • Fire Risk Assessments
  • Hazard Identification and Risk Assessments
  • Conduct, evaluate, and monitor Project Risk assessment action plans and implementation

Incident & Accident Investigations

Nsuku Environmental Consulting has vast experience in identifying system and procedure vulnerabilities and developing additional safeguards to protect lives and property.
  • Full investigation into accidents or incidents
  • Expert advice on implementing additional safeguards and systems

Health & Safety Training

  • First Aid Level 1
  • Fire Fighting
  • H & S Rep
  • Disaster Evacuation Training
  • Permit to work
  • Ladder Safety
  • Induction Training
  • OHS Principles
  • Accident Incident
  • HIRA – Hazard Identification Risk Assessment
  • H & S Responsibility
  • Lock out/Tag out
  • PPE Awareness
  • Tool Box Talks
  • Confined Space Training